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Blog Category: Workers' Comp

Workers' Comp

3 Things to Avoid During an Active Workers' Compensation Claim

Dealing with a workers' compensation claim can be a challenging and stressful experience. With so much at stake, it's crucial to be mindful of your actions and choices during this time. Even seemingly small missteps can have significant consequences for your case. At Black & Jones Attorneys at Law, we want to ensure you have the best chance of securing the benefits you're entitled to. In this blog, we'll highlight three key things to avoid during an active workers' compensation claim to help you navigate this process successfully.

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Workers' Comp

Illinois Work Injury: How to File a Workers' Compensation Claim

Experiencing an injury at work can be a stressful and overwhelming situation. Not only are you dealing with physical pain and potential loss of income, but you also have to navigate the complex process of filing a workers' compensation claim. At Black & Jones Attorneys at Law, we understand the challenges you face and are here to guide you through the steps to secure the benefits you deserve. In this blog, we will outline the essential steps to file a workers' compensation claim in Illinois and provide helpful tips to ensure a smooth process.

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Workers' Comp

What are the Steps in a Workers' Compensation Case?

Experiencing an injury at work is overwhelming and having to navigate the workers’ compensation process alone is often daunting. At Black & Jones, we understand the challenges you face and are here to guide you through every step of the way. Let’s take a look at each individual step of the process that will help you secure the benefits you deserve.

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back of policeman

Workers' Comp, Police & Fire

Black & Jones Proves Police Officer’s Lumbar Surgery is Related to His Work Injury

A client asked Black & Jones to represent him when his employer’s insurance company denied that his need for back surgery was related to a slip-and-fall at work. His doctor had ordered surgery, but would not schedule it due to lack of approval from insurance. He was unable to work due to his back and was not receiving any pay. Bills were accumulating and he was not getting any answers from his employer.

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Woman looking at picture of her husband

Workers' Comp, Local Representation

Black & Jones Helps a Widow Receive Compensation for the Loss of Spouse

When this client first came to Black & Jones, they had been battling the insurance company for over 9 years. The worker was originally injured when exposed to fumes and gases at work which resulted in emergency room treatment for breathing problems. The condition worsened leading to the need for a double lung transplant. Despite the treatment, the worker succumbed to the condition and passed away leaving a grieving spouse and family behind. The insurance company had denied the case, disputing that there was any exposure at work and disputing that the lung condition was related to any work injury.

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Workers' Comp

Insurance & Treatment: The Workers' Compensation Guide

Suffering a workplace injury is not just physically painful; it can also lead to a maze of legal and financial hurdles when seeking workers’ compensation benefits. In this guide, we’ll combine experienced advice with practical tips to help you navigate the workers’ compensation process effectively.

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Person injured on floor

Workers' Comp

Finding the Best Workers’ Compensation Attorney Near You

At Black & Jones, we know that when it comes to navigating the complexities of workers’ compensation claims, having the right legal representation can sometimes make or break your case. So, where in the world do you find the best one for you, and what should you be looking for? We have a few tips you should consider.

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Workers' Comp

Work Injury Guide: 7 Top Workers’ Compensation FAQs

As if getting hurt on the job isn’t stressful enough, now it’s time to navigate the workers’ compensation system—which, unfortunately, is filled with red tape, tons of paperwork, and sometimes, even an employer who doesn’t want you to file a workers’ compensation claim. Check out the top workers’ compensation FAQs people call and ask us about.

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Man with wrist cast on the phone.

Workers' Comp

5 Tips for Hiring the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Are you in need of a workers' compensation attorney to help you navigate the complex legal terrain of workplace injuries? Here are 5 tips from an experienced Rockford law firm to guide you through the process of selecting the ideal attorney who will champion your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your case!

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person in sling working with attorney

Workers' Comp

What Should I Bring to My Initial Consultation with Black & Jones for my Worker’s Compensation Claim?

At Black & Jones, we offer a free initial consultation, which is an important first meeting between you and an attorney from our team that you can hire to represent you in your worker’s compensation case. To make sure this meeting is as productive as possible, and avoid delays or rescheduling, come to your consultation prepared with the information the attorney needs to properly evaluate your case.

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Injured worker with a neck brace sitting in front of an attorney's desk.

Workers' Comp

How Long Will a Workers’ Compensation Case Take?

Suffering a work-related injury or illness can be a challenging experience both physically and emotionally. Workers' compensation serves as a vital safety net, providing financial support and access to medical care. However, many individuals find themselves wondering about the timeline and duration of a workers' compensation case.

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Man picking up a piece of mail.

Workers' Comp

When Will I Receive My Workers’ Compensation?

A question the workers’ compensation attorneys at Black & Jones commonly hear is, “when will I receive my benefits?” When you’ve been injured on the job, you want to get back to normal. You want to get the care and compensation you need and move on. As top workers’ rights lawyers in Northern Illinois, this is exactly what our team strives to do.

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Doctor sitting down at table with a patient.

Workers' Comp

Will Workers’ Compensation Pay for Surgery?

If an injury you received at work requires surgery, you are likely entitled to compensation. Don’t hesitate to get the medical care you need to address your workplace injury. And be sure to report your injury to your employer right away and reach out to a workers’ compensation attorney to help you file a claim.

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judges mallet and illinois seal

Workers' Comp

How Is Workers’ Compensation Different in Illinois?

When you are injured at work, your rights are governed by state law. Each state has its own law governing the rights and responsibilities of the parties. And while some things are similar across all states, there are many things that are different. Sometimes, you have the option to file your case in more than one state. Therefore, it is important to pick the state which has a law that is most advantageous to you.

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Tracy in front of river

Workers' Comp

3 Tips for Choosing a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Choosing a workers’ compensation attorney can feel like picking a random card from a deck and hiring the attorney whose name appears on the card. Like medical doctors, attorneys often limit their practice to specific areas of the law and if you have not had a work-related injury before, you likely have no need to be acquainted with an attorney that handles that kind of case. And doing a search online can feel like you are bombarded by insincere advertisements. This article is meant to provide some insight and tips for choosing the right attorney for you. It is important that you find an attorney that is experienced, aggressive and that cares about you and your case. So here are three tips for choosing the right attorney.

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Person looking at their smartphone.

Workers' Comp

3 Reasons to Avoid Social Media During an Active Claim

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and share information with the world. From posting updates about our daily lives to sharing our thoughts and opinions, social media has become an integral part of our lives. However, when it comes to an active workers’ compensation case, it is crucial to limit social media presence.

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Doctor looking at brain scans.

Workers' Comp

What to Expect at an Independent Medical Examination

If you are injured at work, chances are high that the workers’ compensation insurance company or your employer will eventually require you to attend what is called an independent medical examination (IME). This is more accurately and more fairly called a “Section 12 exam” as it is set pursuant to Section 12 of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act.

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Cars on snowy street

Workers' Comp

Top Winter Construction Accidents Covered Under Workers’ Compensation

The roads in Northern Illinois, especially during the winter construction season, can be a hazard for construction workers and drivers alike. Cold, snow, ice and other extreme winter conditions can contribute to several types of construction accidents. In addition, with temperatures dropping and snow and ice covering the ground, many people are at risk of suffering injuries while on the job. These injuries can range from minor bruises and sprains to serious injuries, such as broken bones, head trauma and even death.

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Injured worker on the ground getting assistance from two other workers.

Workers' Comp

Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation If I’m at Fault?

But what if the accident was my fault? This is a very commonly asked question when filing a claim for workers’ compensation. The short answer is yes; it typically doesn’t matter if the incident was your fault. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not eligible for workers’ compensation—especially your employer.

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Worker sitting down making a face like he's in pain.

Workers' Comp

Common Workplace Injuries

Today’s workspaces are full of safety hazards—and they’re more common than you think. A work injury can be debilitating and lessen one’s quality of life. Getting injured at work can also be an emotional tightrope, as you try to navigate unfamiliar territory.

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"Report of work injury" for with red "APPROVED" stamp.

Workers' Comp

Hurt at Work? Let Us Help

It’s tough enough putting in so many hours with little compensation, but getting hurt at work can also be a life-altering injury. Your job, self-esteem, relationship with your family, and financial situation can be impacted after sustaining a serious injury at work.

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Four firefighters in uniform posing in front of a firetruck.

Workers' Comp, Police & Fire

Attention Firefighters: Expanded Benefits in Illinois

If you or someone you know is a firefighter, EMT or paramedic and was diagnosed with MRSA or any other bloodborne pathogen, lung or respiratory disease or condition, heart or vascular disease or condition, hypertension, tuberculosis, or cancer resulting in disability, you may be entitled to benefits under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act.

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Silhouette of man with a celebratory fist in the air.

Workers' Comp

Black & Jones Is Ready to Fight for You!

When you get hurt at work, you want an attorney who will be on your side. You want an attorney who will tell you what your rights and responsibilities are. And you want a lawyer who is willing to go to bat for you; someone willing to go to trial and fight.

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Attorney next to a client while he signs paperwork.

Workers' Comp, Videos

Challenging and Rewarding Work

Raising two kids is challenging and rewarding, much like fighting for the rights of those injured at work. We work hard to provide the tough, responsive and caring legal representation you deserve for your workers’ comp claim.

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Close up of arm in a cast and sling.

Workers' Comp

Do I need an attorney?

My response is always, “Even if everything is going perfectly right now, you will inevitably need an attorney. Don’t wait to get one until after a problem occurs because then you risk a situation where an attorney cannot fix the harm that has been done.”

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Close up of person hitting judge's gavel.

Workers' Comp, Local Representation

Not All Offers Are Created Equal

Illinois case law guides the attorneys and arbitrator what may be awarded at trial by reporting what cases with similar evidence were awarded at trial. So when the client says, “that’s not a good offer,” it is unlikely the client did the legal research to form an accurate picture of what his case is worth.

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Person in a suit helping another person in a cast fill out paper forms.

Workers' Comp

What If I Cannot Go Back To Work

What happens when a work related injury leaves you with permanent restrictions and your employer cannot accommodate those restrictions? You find yourself without a job, without an income, and very little hope that you will find an employer who is willing to tolerate your restrictions.

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