Social Security
A Social Security Disability (SSD) hearing is your opportunity to make an appeal if you’ve been denied benefits. Denials upon the first application and reconsideration are not uncommon. SSD hearings are a chance to challenge those earlier decisions and prove to an administrative law judge that your disability prevents you from earning a living wage.
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Social Security
Navigating the world of disability benefits can be overwhelming, especially when faced with two programs that seem similar but operate under entirely different rules. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are both administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA), but they are designed to support distinct groups of individuals. Understanding their differences is crucial to determining which program is right for your situation.
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Social Security
Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be overwhelming. The process involves complex regulations, a significant amount of paperwork and the potential for multiple denials. For those already dealing with the challenges of a disability, the process may feel even more daunting. That’s where having an experienced attorney comes in. With the right legal support, your chances of a successful claim increase dramatically. In this blog, we’ll discuss three key ways an attorney can help you navigate your Social Security Disability case and maximize your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.
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Social Security
Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can feel overwhelming, especially when you're managing the challenges of a serious health condition. Knowing the qualifications and requirements is the first step toward getting the support you need. Here’s a guide to help you determine if you meet the criteria and how to prepare for the application process.
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Social Security
Applying for Social Security benefits can be a daunting process, especially when you’re dealing with the physical and emotional toll of a disability. However, understanding the steps involved can help ease the stress. At Black & Jones Attorneys at Law in Rockford, IL, we are experienced in guiding clients through this process. In this guide, we’ll break down the essentials of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to help you get started on the right track.
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Social Security
Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be complex, especially when it comes to understanding how employment may impact your benefits. Many people wonder if they can work while receiving SSDI benefits, and the answer is nuanced. Yes, you are allowed to work some hours if you are pursuing or receiving Social Security Disability benefits. However, there are important considerations and limitations to keep in mind. At Black & Jones Attorneys at Law, we’re here to help you understand how to balance work and SSDI, ensuring you make the best decisions for your unique situation.
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Social Security
A client came to us after having applied for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and being denied. His disability stemmed from a severe motor vehicle injury sustained when he was only 5 years old. After months of being hospitalized and in rehabilitation, he made a recovery and was able to return home. However, the accident left him with devastating residual physical and mental conditions that limited his functioning. Although he spent the remainder of his childhood going to school, graduating high school, and spending time with friends and family, the client was unable to truly function as a normal young adult. During his twenties, he lived with his parents and, due to a settlement from the accident, had too much in assets to receive Supplemental Security Income benefits. But when a parent finally began receiving Social Security benefits, the client was able to apply off of his parent’s record.
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Social Security, Local Representation
This client came to Black & Jones with a scary story. He had suffered almost complete loss of vision in one eye many years before. Since that time, he has had no trouble with vision in his other eye. He had a family, a life and remained a valued employee. His work was rewarding to him and allowed him to travel all over the United States meeting new people, working in diverse environments and seeing the beauty that America holds.
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Social Security
Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) process can be challenging, especially after your hearing. You’ve worked hard to present your case, but what comes next? Understanding the post-hearing steps can help you manage expectations and prepare for the outcomes. Here’s what typically happens after your Social Security Disability hearing.
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Social Security
Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) process can be a stressful and complex journey. From filing your initial application to potentially attending hearings, the path to securing benefits is loaded with challenges. This is where having an experienced attorney can make all the difference. At Black & Jones, we are experienced in guiding our clients through the SSD process, ensuring they have the best chance of securing the benefits they deserve.
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Social Security
The process of applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be overwhelming. At Black & Jones, based in Rockford, IL, we offer a free initial consultation to help you understand your case and how we can assist you. To make the most of this consultation, it’s crucial to come prepared. Here are three essential documents you should bring with you.
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Social Security
Navigating the complexities of Social Security Disability (SSD) hearings can feel like traversing uncharted territory. However, armed with the right knowledge and preparation, you can approach these hearings with confidence. Let’s dive into what exactly unfolds during a Social Security Disability hearing and how you can best prepare for it!
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Social Security
So, you’ve filled out a form to meet for a free consultation with a lawyer about your Social Security Disability (SSD) claim! Now what? We like to tell our clients everything they need upfront for their initial consultation to be as fully prepared as soon as possible. Here’s a simple list of everything you’ll need when you meet with us.
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Social Security
Securing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be a challenge, especially with limited law knowledge. The key to success lies in thorough preparation, a clear understanding of the proceedings and the ability to present a compelling case.
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Social Security
Black & Jones, your trusted Rockford-based worker’s compensation and Social Security attorneys, offers a free initial consultation. This appointment is an important first meeting between you and the attorney you may hire to represent you throughout your Social Security Disability claim.
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Social Security
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) is a monthly payment provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) paid to disabled individuals who are unable to work for a living wage. To receive SSDI you must have a qualifying work history and your disability must meet the SSA’s definition of disability, which in summary means that your condition is severe enough to significantly limit your ability to work for at least 12 months.
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Social Security
Social Security Disability (SSD) hearings can be time-consuming and complex. With the help of a trusted attorney to guide you, you can file an appeal and fight for the disability compensation you deserve. Here are the basics you need to know to prepare for your hearing.
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Social Security
The short answer is no; however, it is highly recommended that you get an attorney to represent you. Hiring an attorney is free. You do not pay any fees out of your own pocket. There is no cost upfront to you. Attorneys representing claimants seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) before the Social Security Administration (SSA) work on a contingency fee basis.
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Social Security
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a government program that provides benefits to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability. The amount of disability benefits a person can receive is calculated based on a variety of factors, including their work history, earnings history and medical condition.
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Social Security
The Social Security Administration (SSA) finally provided recipients a much-needed cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits in 2023. According to the announcement, Social Security beneficiaries would get an 8.7% increase in their monthly payments starting in January 2023. This is the largest COLA increase since 1982 when benefits were increased by 7.4%.
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Social Security
One of the biggest frustrations with pursuing Social Security Disability benefits is the amount of time it takes to get a decision and, hopefully, begin getting benefits. This struggle has plagued applicants and their social security disability attorneys for decades.
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Social Security
If you’re looking to apply, here’s a list of the evidence you’ll need to collect in order to fully complete the application.
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Social Security
The application process can be tricky! We recommend talking to your trusted legal professional—so you don’t miss any crucial steps.
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Social Security
Are you or someone you know struggling with a disability that prevents you from making a living? This article discusses the important steps you can take in filing for Social Security benefits—and covers the difference between SSI and SSDI benefits, so you can search for the option that applies to your situation most accurately.
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Social Security
Wondering how best to decide which law firm to hire for your Social Security Disability claim? When you seek counsel, make sure they are highly experienced in Social Security Disability claims and, in the end, will ultimately fight for you.
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Social Security
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a social insurance program under which workers earn coverage for benefits by working and paying Social Security taxes on their earnings. The program provides benefits to disabled workers and their dependents and helps them earn lost income.
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Workers' Comp, Social Security
Unfortunately, no matter how cautious we are, accidents sometimes happen in the workplace. Losing a loved one in a traumatic accident is hard; and the last thing you should have to worry about is how to pay for the funeral and survive financially without them.
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Social Security
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 was intended to provide significant legal protections for workers’ benefits. There is one aspect of ERISA, called the ‘reservation of discretion’ which insurance companies and plan administrators have been able to use to deny workers health and disability benefits. Under a recent Illinois federal court decision, this has changed.
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Social Security
Chances are that if you have made the decision to apply for disability, you have talked to your doctor first about whether you qualify for disability. If your doctor has said that you’re disabled, you may not feel the need to hire an attorney because your doctor’s word should be good enough, right?
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