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Blog Category: Veterans

Veterans, Local Representation

Black & Jones Wins 100% Rating for Vietnam Veteran with Ischemic Heart Disease

A veteran who served during the Vietnam Era was exposed to herbicide agents, including agent orange. Almost four decades after his service ended in 1969, he was diagnosed with hypertension. As the years went on, he developed other cardiac conditions such as bradycardia, carotid artery stenosis, atrial fibrillation cerebrovascular disorder and more. He finally applied for service-connected compensation for these cardiac issues, but the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) denied his claim indicating that his conditions were not service connected. Feeling discouraged and ignored by his country, he sought representation with Black & Jones.

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Female veteran in uniform in a wheelchair in front of the American flag.


Veterans Guide to Disability Compensation

You’ve served our country. Now, it’s time to let the benefits and resources serve you as you readjust to civilian life. Today, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) can offer a wide variety of benefits for transitioning service members. You don’t have to navigate it alone.

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Navy ship in a body of water.


Blue Water Navy Veterans

Are you a veteran that served aboard a vessel that operated within 12 nautical miles from the demarcation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975? Do you suffer from medical conditions that have been linked to exposure to herbicides like Agent Orange?

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