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Blog Category: Local Representation

person walking with blindness walking stick

Social Security, Local Representation

Black & Jones Wins Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits for Blind Client

This client came to Black & Jones with a scary story. He had suffered almost complete loss of vision in one eye many years before. Since that time, he has had no trouble with vision in his other eye. He had a family, a life and remained a valued employee. His work was rewarding to him and allowed him to travel all over the United States meeting new people, working in diverse environments and seeing the beauty that America holds.

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Local Representation

5 Things to Avoid When Looking For a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Learning about workers’ compensation can be daunting with all of the legal jargon, especially when you’re recovering from a workplace injury. The right attorney can make a world of difference, ensuring you get the benefits you deserve. However, the wrong choice could leave you frustrated and potentially without the compensation you deserve. At Black & Jones in Rockford, Illinois, we want to help you make the best choice possible. Here are five things to avoid when selecting a workers’ compensation attorney.

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Local Representation

Dear Rockford, I feel you.

In the hustle and bustle of life, where our attention is constantly pulled in every direction, there’s something powerful in closing your eyes, blocking out the incessant noise and just taking time to feel. When I do this, Rockford, I feel you. I sense the entirety of your essence—the good, the bad and everything in between. And what I experience fills me with pride and hope.

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Woman looking at picture of her husband

Workers' Comp, Local Representation

Black & Jones Helps a Widow Receive Compensation for the Loss of Spouse

When this client first came to Black & Jones, they had been battling the insurance company for over 9 years. The worker was originally injured when exposed to fumes and gases at work which resulted in emergency room treatment for breathing problems. The condition worsened leading to the need for a double lung transplant. Despite the treatment, the worker succumbed to the condition and passed away leaving a grieving spouse and family behind. The insurance company had denied the case, disputing that there was any exposure at work and disputing that the lung condition was related to any work injury.

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side by side images of mechanic and lawyer

Local Representation

Rockford-Based: 5 Reasons to Work with a Local Law Firm

Seeking legal representation can be like deciding where to go out to eat when you have no options in the fridge. You can wait in the backed-up fast food drive-thru where they’ll probably forget your side of fries—or you can stop by the diner just down the street where the server knows your name, your order and always makes sure you have the best possible experience. We don't sell food at Black & Jones, but we serve up a pretty good case when it comes to workers’ compensation hearings. Here are 5 reasons why seeking representation locally can make all the difference.

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Close up of person hitting judge's gavel.

Workers' Comp, Local Representation

Not All Offers Are Created Equal

Illinois case law guides the attorneys and arbitrator what may be awarded at trial by reporting what cases with similar evidence were awarded at trial. So when the client says, “that’s not a good offer,” it is unlikely the client did the legal research to form an accurate picture of what his case is worth.

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Two attorneys sitting across from a client.

Local Representation, Our Team

It is just what we do

Often people come to Black & Jones Attorneys at Law after the insurance company has stopped paying for medical care and/or weekly benefits. The individuals are confused because everything the insurance company asked of them they did.

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