Dear Rockford, I feel you. skip to content

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Dear Rockford, I feel you.

In the hustle and bustle of life, where our attention is constantly pulled in every direction, there’s something powerful in closing your eyes, blocking out the incessant noise and just taking time to feel. When I do this, Rockford, I feel you. I sense the entirety of your essence—the good, the bad and everything in between. And what I experience fills me with pride and hope.

When I sit in your parks, I feel the warmth of the sun caressing my skin on spring afternoons or the silky touch of tulip petals after the rain. I feel the wet dew on the grass of your summer mornings and the heat of the wind blowing on summer nights. I feel the crispness in the air as the sun sets on your autumn evenings and the crunch of your leaves as they fall from their branches. I sense the cold frost of your winter mornings and bitter winds of your blustery snow storms, yet I wouldn’t change a thing. Rockford provides just the right amount of every season. And as I sit and close my eyes, I can feel you, Rockford.

In your industrial areas, I can feel your pulse, Rockford. I can sense the vibrations of hard work emanating from your factories day in and day out. I feel the clanging of hammers as they forge and shape metal, the roar of fires melting and molding. I feel the steady hum of machines processing products and the cardboard of meticulously packed merchandise. I even feel the grit in the air clinging to tired workers after a long day and the rumble of the commuting cars as they head home to their families. Your industry, Rockford—I feel it all.

Near your transportation hubs, I feel you, Rockford. The roll and rumble of your engines as they move goods from one place to another, the fumes of exhaust as you hastily move materials and the vibrations of your loaded railcars. I feel the train horn as it blows past me.

Downtown, I can feel your culture. I feel the hurried strides of people on their way to work, the leisurely strolls of shoppers browsing store fronts and the weight of their bags filled with purchases. I feel the communal admiration of the murals adorning your buildings. I feel your people skirt by on electric scooters and, on Friday afternoons, the buzz of a City Market fills the air with music, laughter and the aroma of food. I feel the magnificence and wonder that define you, Rockford.

No matter where I am in your city, Rockford, I find myself in your embrace. I feel all that is glorious and extraordinary about you. I feel you.