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Close up of arm in a cast and sling.

Workers' Comp

Do I need an attorney?

My response is always, “Even if everything is going perfectly right now, you will inevitably need an attorney. Don’t wait to get one until after a problem occurs because then you risk a situation where an attorney cannot fix the harm that has been done.”

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Social Security

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 was intended to provide significant legal protections for workers’ benefits. There is one aspect of ERISA, called the ‘reservation of discretion’ which insurance companies and plan administrators have been able to use to deny workers health and disability benefits. Under a recent Illinois federal court decision, this has changed.

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Close up of Social Security Disability form.

Social Security

My Doctor Says I’m Disabled. Do I need an Attorney?

Chances are that if you have made the decision to apply for disability, you have talked to your doctor first about whether you qualify for disability. If your doctor has said that you’re disabled, you may not feel the need to hire an attorney because your doctor’s word should be good enough, right?

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