Workers' Comp
Experiencing an injury at work can be a stressful and overwhelming situation. Not only are you dealing with physical pain and potential loss of income, but you also have to navigate the complex process of filing a workers' compensation claim. At Black & Jones Attorneys at Law, we understand the challenges you face and are here to guide you through the steps to secure the benefits you deserve. In this blog, we will outline the essential steps to file a workers' compensation claim in Illinois and provide helpful tips to ensure a smooth process.
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Local Representation
One of the amazing things about Rockford is the variety of food you provide. Rockford, I delight in your food! Rockford has so many great niche restaurants available that specialize in a variety of cuisines not found at chain establishments. It’s unlikely I could find such a vast array in another town of similar size. Rockford, you are amazing in how you encourage small businesses to open specialty restaurants and show your support day after day for these establishments.
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Social Security
A client came to us after having applied for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and being denied. His disability stemmed from a severe motor vehicle injury sustained when he was only 5 years old. After months of being hospitalized and in rehabilitation, he made a recovery and was able to return home. However, the accident left him with devastating residual physical and mental conditions that limited his functioning. Although he spent the remainder of his childhood going to school, graduating high school, and spending time with friends and family, the client was unable to truly function as a normal young adult. During his twenties, he lived with his parents and, due to a settlement from the accident, had too much in assets to receive Supplemental Security Income benefits. But when a parent finally began receiving Social Security benefits, the client was able to apply off of his parent’s record.
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Social Security, Local Representation
This client came to Black & Jones with a scary story. He had suffered almost complete loss of vision in one eye many years before. Since that time, he has had no trouble with vision in his other eye. He had a family, a life and remained a valued employee. His work was rewarding to him and allowed him to travel all over the United States meeting new people, working in diverse environments and seeing the beauty that America holds.
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Social Security
Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) process can be challenging, especially after your hearing. You’ve worked hard to present your case, but what comes next? Understanding the post-hearing steps can help you manage expectations and prepare for the outcomes. Here’s what typically happens after your Social Security Disability hearing.
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Social Security
Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) process can be a stressful and complex journey. From filing your initial application to potentially attending hearings, the path to securing benefits is loaded with challenges. This is where having an experienced attorney can make all the difference. At Black & Jones, we are experienced in guiding our clients through the SSD process, ensuring they have the best chance of securing the benefits they deserve.
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