Repetitive Work Activity can Lead to Ill-Being
An insidious onset occurs where a person’s condition worsens over time through no apparent cause. The person’s body is simply wearing out.
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An insidious onset occurs where a person’s condition worsens over time through no apparent cause. The person’s body is simply wearing out.
What to do when your former attorney won’t help get treatment approved after your case has closed.
Wondering how best to decide which law firm to hire for your workers’ compensation claim or Social Security Disability claim? There are four important factors to consider.
What happens when a work related injury leaves you with permanent restrictions and your employer cannot accommodate those restrictions? You find yourself without a job, without an income, and very little hope that you will find an employer who is willing to tolerate your restrictions.
Workers' Comp, Local Representation
Now more than ever, it is important to hire an attorney for your workers’ compensation injury. Governor Rauner wants to reform the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, claiming that Illinois workers are paid too much money for their injuries, too many injuries are compensable, and the medical expenses are too high.
Have you received a letter from the worker’s compensation insurance carrier telling you that they are denying approval for medical treatment recommended by your doctor? You need to know that their “decision” is not necessarily final.
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