New Law Doubles Benefits for Law Enforcement killed on duty skip to content

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New Law Doubles Benefits for Law Enforcement killed on duty

Last week, House Bill 2028 became law drastically increasing benefits paid to the families of our law enforcement officers and firefighters tragically killed while in the line of duty. This is such an important and well deserved change. 

Every year, hundreds of officers and firefighters are killed while responding to emergencies protecting and serving our communities. The loss of their lives doesn’t just impact their families but also impacts the entire community and state. How can their sacrifice ever be repaid? Frankly, it can’t. Their sacrifice will never be compensated enough. 

However, Illinois took steps in the right direction last week when a new law became effective which doubles the amount of money payable to the families of these fallen heroes for burial expenses. Previously families were eligible for a $10,000 payment for the burial expenses and that has now doubled to $20,000. Funerals are expensive. $10,000 rarely is enough to cover the unexpected costs associated with funerals; a cost that rests on the shoulders of family members who have already lost so much. With the increased benefit to $20,000, it will help families cover those unexpected costs. Even though the loss of these heroes will never be truly paid, it is a huge step in the right direction. 

Keep in mind that this only changed the burial expense reimbursement; it does not change the families’ rights to pursue benefits under the IL Workers’ Compensation Commission or the Police and Fireman Pension Codes. 

If you have suffered the loss of a loved one who served as a law enforcement officer or firefighter while in the line of duty, make sure you know what benefits you are entitled to receive. Give Black & Jones Attorneys at Law a call today.